
December 17, 2007, 7:05 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today is possibly the last day I could slack.

Because, Christmas is nearing!

Not to forget about chalet this week.

SO, things to do !

  1. Help out in carnival,
  2. Christmas dance performance,
  3. Tuition,
  4. CHALET!
  5. Old Queen Street ,
  7. Y-Cite camp,
  8. New Year’s Eve,
  9. AND school re-opens

Hope I can sneak into ACJC. bless me.gahhhhhhhhh.

bye, for its going to be a busy week.

December 15, 2007, 12:06 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Its weird how you go from being strangers to being friends to being more than friends to being practically strangers again…and it all happens so fast.

How apt is that.

look into my eyes; cause the heart never lies.
December 13, 2007, 9:51 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


the ultimate poser. we needed pillows only. (:

 Hello people.

The holidays had improved slightly for me. Only slightl

y. The chalet stays and birthday lunches did really help to liven things up.

Or else most probably I would have been covered in thick luscious vines, as the result of overexcessive stoning slacking.It did help that I somehow ended up at the hospital, as the result of a first ever fits attack.

By the way,the food at NUH was really nice. Mind you, damn nice. It made the one night stay really enjoyable, even though the blood test really sucked.

OUCH, it had hurt.


don’t try clicking it,for you have wasted 5seconds of your life.


Where was I?

Yeah I was talking about hospital food. But no, I shan’t talk that anymore, in case the salivary glands of the all the gluttons out there secretes more saliva. (:


IN recent bloghopping experiences, I realised that SOME fellow bloggers type like little kiddos.

Twits I mean.

They go typing like this:

‘Orhh, euu know arhh? Wiee twits dunch typexx like normal bloggersh. Instead arhh, wiee chushh to type inn dish mannersh worrx.’


come on lah, why do we have fellow bloggers (kinda reluctant to call them that) that type and post like this?

I suppose that they are either 1)children , or 2)teenagers who have a dysfunctional childhood, or 3)mental hospital patient wannabes.

search me, I dont know which one is it, for dhey alwaes mananged to stupefy miexx.

figure out yourself what’s that, for I had to force myself to type in this manner.

bloggers like that should be banned, for they are inundating the blogosphere with such twitty language.Come’on, who in the right sense will want to type like a little silly goondu-ish kiddo, when most bloggers (which I strongly believe) are at least 10-11 years old?!

see what I mean? Even gorillas can type better than twits.

Shame on you, twit bloggers! 

For typing this post, I know what is going to happen next.

Next, the twit bloggers (whom I suppose they dont visit my blog) will start to criticise people who criticise them. Typing like:

‘Ehhh! Euu know whart?Dish cerrtain bloggerr go suan us lehx! Hiee saiid he dunch lyke our style of typiing.Damn hieem larhx! 😦 ‘

HAHAHA. I can’t fanthom how did I manage to type out twit language again. Ok I shall not digress.

Heard before the saying ‘You are what you eat.’ ?

Well, I believe there should be a saying that goes ‘You are what you blog’. What you type now could go a long way in forming other people’s impression they have in you.

So when you type twitty, expect others to think of you as a person with a childish persona, a person that is slowly degenerating his/her ability in typing.

Typing twitty language degrades the standard of our local blogging landscape.

They should be sent bungee jumping.


But well, the hands and mouths ultimately belongs to them, I can’t control what they do. This is just what I feel. No misunderstandings. Sometimes this group of people just irks me.

Once again,the hands are theirs, so I won’t be surprised that I will be soon be pelted by a rain of barbie dolls, polly pockets, and teletubby stuffed toys.

Man, I better run.

But not without leaving a quote from Grey’s Anatomy:


‘Some people believe that without history, our lives amount to nothing. At some point we all have to choose: do we fall back on what we know, or do we step forward to something new? It’s hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us… what guides us Remember sometimes the most important history is the history we’re making today.’

December 4, 2007, 1:41 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags:


203, please look at the class blog! 😀

 Yes, chalet is tomorrow.

Fun fun fun.


three days of nonstop fun.and i will be awayyyyyyyyyy.

buh bye people of the world for three days.